People We’ve Helped
“AnonymousA Happy Client“I showed up to counselling yesterday under the strongest belief that I had no trust in myself. In the hour we worked through this belief by identifying all the times in the past where I have followed my intuition and the results of doing so. It suddenly became obvious to me that many of the positives, significant & important events of my past were all generated by trusting myself. I also identified times where I trusted myself/intuition and things worked out poorly, despite the result I realised that in hindsight I still would have done the exact same thing as it gave me the knowledge I have now. The negative events are few compared to the positive ones and I realised that when I trust myself I grow and become closer to the ME I want to be. By identifying past moments where I trusted my intuition, my present sense of self trust was renewed. I left counselling with a spring in my step and self trust in my heart! 🥰✨”
“AnonymousA Happy Client“Hi Raesha,
I hope you are having a good weekend.
I just want to thank you for the two sessions my daughter had with you. She said she really had a good session with you each time, and it was very helpful that you were very positive and forward-looking. She said this was the first time that she did not cry at the first session. (In the past, she was asked to talk about her past and the problems she had/has, which was very hard for her and made her cry as she spelled out her past issues.)
I am very happy that she was able to find someone who can help her.
Thank you so much.”
“AnonymousA Happy Client“Raesha,
I want to say how nice it was to share presenting with you on Friday night.I also want to say that I think you are amazing how you have decided to define your experiences related to 2019 and, equally, how you choose to see 'silver linings' related to those events.
I thought it both important and a privilege to hear your voice as a woman, and a woman of Muslim faith.
I hope you keep voicing🙂”
“AnonymousA Workshop Attendee“Hi Raesha: WOW!!! That was a stunning session. It was si good to see you in such a good space. Moreover, what you shared was pure gold! That will be a lecture none of the class will ever forget. So pleased we could finally collaborate on this kaupapa. I'm always happy and willing to support your own Mahi when needed. Meanwhile, please send me a postal address I can forward stuff to.”
“AnonymousA Betrayal Trauma Client“"Raesha was truly the blessing I needed to heal from my betrayal trauma. I wouldn't be where I am today - growing, flourishing and healing if it weren't for her expansive knowledge and guidance in this field of work. I am truly grateful for her help and couldn't recommend her more highly to any individual or couple struggling with betrayal trauma, pornography addiction or similar issues. She's proactive and solution based in her work which I love - with this approach, positive change happens!."”
“AnonymousA Muslim Client“"Counselling with Raesha was and still is the best thing I could do for me. I have been going through difficult times feeling accepted for my cultural and religious Muslim beliefs however Raesha has helped me understand that I have a place in the society just as I am. I am now able to use my own unique value to contribute to my family and community. I changed five different therapists before who were helpful in a some areas of my life but when I finally found Raesha I feel supported and guided in all aspects of my life. One of many qualities that Raesha posses is that she will not only help in dealing with pressing issues but take time and care to find out the root cause in order to facilitate long term wellness."”